Hi. I'm Smugarug. I draw stuff.


Digital artist

Joined on 2/12/23

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Smugarug's News

Posted by Smugarug - 2 weeks ago

Smug here. Think there's been enough radio silence to justify a li'l more talking on my end. I'm not gonna pull a Valve time.

Things have been going a little slow in the land of the Smug. After pushing out that one comic, I e. I've been dabbling with Krita, which I do like, but I've only used it for making digital art look like traditional art. I'm still using Clip Studio Paint to render my work, but I'm slowly getting the hang of using Krita for projects with a bigger scope.

Outside of that, you've probably noticed the sheer amount of characters that I've drawn over my time here, and how most of them have changed in looks and background. I tend to think way too hard about this shit, resulting in a lot of change for the sake of change. I need to be comfortable with being myself. It's hard, but nothing worth doing is easy. Hope this gives you all a peek into what's been going on behind the scenes. Take care of yourselves. Smug out.


Posted by Smugarug - January 24th, 2025

Hey. Been a while.

Sorry about the radio silence these last few weeks. I know that I would usually post something rendered every few days, but I've been suffering from some massive burnout (and some IRL stuff as well), trying to refocus myself and get out of my head, nothing easy to say the least.

New stuff to come when it's done.

Here's some scraps that I didn't like enough to fully render.






Posted by Smugarug - December 31st, 2024

Here we are again. The end of another calendar year. I'll make this short - I'm proud to have found a community of artists here that treated me with respect and love, things I didn't really think I'd ever get. But this year, thanks to my own efforts and the encouragement from others, I did. Thank you to you all.

To celebrate, I've made a gallery of what I think are my best works of art this year. Next year, I've no idea what'll happen, but I plan to make the most of it. Stay safe, stay sane, and don't let the bastards grind you down. This is Smugarug, signing off. For now.


Posted by Smugarug - December 25th, 2024

Merry Christmas, everyone. Smug here. I’ve got good news and bad news.

The bad news is that I’m no longer going to be posting super-lengthy introspective news posts about my feelings towards my own art. Not only do my feelings constantly change, it’s also cringey and makes me look like a hypocrite when I inevitably go back on them. I apologize to anybody who enjoyed reading them, but I refuse to let misery have company.

The good news is that I’m going to move on from this (and the previous mistakes I’ve made) and just have a good time drawing whatever I find fun. That’s really the core issue I’ve been struggling to get a grip on - I wasn’t having fun with my art.

But, thankfully, I think that issue is solved via shutting my mouth. If I have anything pressing or meaningful to say, then I’ll make a news post about it. If it ain’t, I won’t. It’s almost TOO simple, really.

Anyways, hope y’all have a good Christmas and New Year’s, and I hope you stick around. This year has been a tough one for me, but I’ve managed to survive and thanks to the support of my friends and Newgrounds, even thrive. See you when I see you. 

  • Smug

P.S. The bunman returns. Cuz I can’t think of a better mascot. Satan Rat’s still dead. I think Skruffy stepped on him.




Posted by Smugarug - December 12th, 2024

123 fans, compared to 122 fans, is a way cooler number. Imagine getting to 1,234 fans. Glad you guys all enjoy my art enough to stick around. I hope to keep delivering better art even in the new year.

But I got a question for you all. What do you want to see more from me? Anything from specific characters, a style you'd like me to continue drawing in, maybe even new places and faces. Let me know in the comments below.


Posted by Smugarug - November 8th, 2024


Well, well, well. Finally got around to getting this. No buyer's remorse here. Newgrounds has been a nice place to rediscover myself. I also changed my username because nobody would remember SmugerryARugerry. Anyways.

I've been shaking u how I view myself and the art I produce. It's taken a lot for me to exit my usual comfort zone, but like I've said, "The less bullshit I have, the better off I'll be." And this is true for both my real life and my art. That means you guys will see less frequent uploads from me, but I'm sure nobody will mind. I hope to make a change for the better, for MY OWN better.

I don't want to be stuck in an endless self-abusive loop of paranoia and second-guessing. I have to get out of my own head. Because little did I know, I was only making myself more miserable by staying attached to the OCs and worlds I made, and that wasn't the right move. Never grow too attached to your characters, they said. They were right.

So what does this mean for you? I dunno. What did you want from me? I know what I want from me. And I think that that's all that matters, really. It's for me. And then you. Not the other way around.


Acceptance is a bitch, ain't it?


Posted by Smugarug - October 23rd, 2024

Hi, all. Smug here.

A lot of you may have seen my previous updates in the past. Some of you may have noticed that I was struggling with nailing down just who I was.

Turns out, there wasn't actually anything wrong with me. Or, well, nothing wrong that wasn't normal.

Y'all read the title. Y'all already know what the fuck goin' on. I didn't, because I didn't think it was a crisis, I thought it was just ME. Turns out it wasn't. I was just going through a very, VERY agonizing time of my life. I wasn't enjoying the art I made, I wasn't challenging myself, I doubted everything and everyone around me. But as I get older, and the lower my bullshit tolerance gets, the more I realize what was important to me. And then there was my art!

Boy, if I have to be honest, I think my art fuckin' BLOWS. It's rigid and stiff and fuckin' boring as hell, which was at odds with how extreme and wild I felt my art COULD be. And yet, when I did try to get wild, the results were cool, but they lacked substance and lasting power. And during this crisis, it's been hard not to see that doing all of this was not only necessary, but practically natural. It's all part of the process.

Igor and TPAB rule, by the way.

So, what now? Something wonderful happens. My ability to have fun is coming back, and my old rigid and stiff dogma is slowly shedding away. I can look forward to making art again. And, hell, I might sound corny saying it, but I'm starting to appreciate and remember all the good that's happened to me. The people I've met throughout my life, the ups and downs. We remember the past not to erase pain, but to accept that it was things we did, both good and bad. And I'm not perfect; I'm not a saint. But the pain I felt was never to break my spirit. I was just tearing my shame and guilt to pieces.

A coworker told me that you can't drown your demons. They always learn how to swim. And hey, if you're reading this, and going through the same situation? Don't worry. You'll be alright. The important thing is to always sail forward to clearer, less demon-infested waters.


Posted by Smugarug - October 6th, 2024


Being on here has been incredible for me and my mental health, and I hope I get to make more art that's much cooler in the future!


Posted by Smugarug - September 23rd, 2024

Oh boy. This isn't easy to admit.

For a very, very long time, I've been keeping my head in the kitchen, ignoring the problems going on around me while trying to solve problems that didn't even exist in the first place. It wasn't until recently when I realized I couldn't put it off my chores any longer. Just like in real life, I have to take some time to clean up and do what's right.

In other words, the burnout is real and I really need to take some time off. I have to rethink, refocus, and redesign my approach to my art. Because if I don't, the entire kitchen's is gonna meltdown or explode, and as someone who's had experience working in a kitchen, a clean house is a happy house. And I have a LOT to cleanup.


Posted by Smugarug - September 16th, 2024

Quick updated today.

First and foremost, I've deleted the only two Adult-rated pictures from my gallery, as I recognize that they weren't in the best of tastes and/or weren't my finest work. If you know, you know.

Second, gonna be working on more OC stuff soon, but with more fanart mixed in. I've been getting back into comics (very slowly, never grew up around anything outside of Sunday funnies) and drawing fanart of characters from DC and Marvel the like.

Anyways, that's it for me. Hope y'all have a good day!